The Crumpler

Thursday, March 30, 2006

been a while Thursday Mar 30

Goal: Full squat 205 lbs x 70 reps.

I've decided I won't be progressing in weight anymore. 200 pounds is sufficient for my goals. Keep in mind, these are deep, rock bottom squats. Most people need more weight by virtue of their pitiful squat form, i.e. quarter and half (parallel) squats. I will be taking 200 pounds into extremely high rep ranges... the circulation produced is incredible. So far, I've hit 205x18 without much trouble. I'm hoping to get into the 20s this evening.... Looking for 205x20-23. SLDL's off a block are done for the same amount of weight. Eventually, I'd like to string together an extremely high rep set of both, back to back... like, 205 lbs full squat for 70 reps, immediately followed by 205 lbs SLDL off a block for 50 reps. phew!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sat & Sun March 11,12


Full Squat: 205x10, etc.


Full Squat: 205x18

Dips were just BW, for around 10, and they felt better with a narrow grip than weighted do....

I need to hit 20-25 reps with 205 this week... if not today, then tomorrow. Relative to 185x33, a jump of 20 lbs to 205 equates to an 11 percent increase; if my reps go down a similar amount, that would equate to losing about 4 reps... hmm. 205x29 seems generous. I'm gonna shoot for 25 reps.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

March 6 & 7

On March 6th, I had a pretty weak workout... it was 4 days since my last squat workout... I had the energy, just not the mental attitude. I hit 26 reps with 185 pounds in the full squat and then quit, knowing full well that I could have kept pushing. I returned 30 minutes later to hit 22 reps, again quitting.

March 7th
Full Squat: 185x33
Leg Curl: 125x7
Dips: Bw+25 x 9, BW x 11
Curls: 100x15 (cable)

My legs were throbbing after 33 reps... I will continue with this weight until I hit 50 - 60 reps.

Friday, March 03, 2006

March 2

Full squat: 185x30, 10

That took a lot out of me.... but it felt gooood. Finally hit 30 reps, now onto 50